Shaheed & Jayda Ahmad
Shaheed & Jayda Ahmad | Image Captured at The Atlanta Masjid of Al-Islam
بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Jayda Ahmad: As-salaamu ʿalaykum [peace be upon you], and my name is Jayda Ahmad. I am a community organizer and I am the daughter of Shaheed Ahmad.
My father is a leader, a teacher, a motivator, an educator, and a student of knowledge, and a husband to Veronica Ahmad of 31 years of marriage.
He is a social worker, a counselor and so much more.
Veronica & Shaheed Ahmad
I wanted to start with a father's relationship with his daughter has a significant impact on the view of herself, her view of G-d and her view of a man.
My father is very special, a very special man, and our relationship has always been balanced and valuable and loving. And through my journey of life, my father has been the best teacher. And every day I'm truly grateful to have a father who has been the roots to my continuous cultivation and growth. And now that I've blossomed into a woman of G-d consciousness and righteousness, my father's love for Allah Al-Islam was always instilled in me. And ever since I was in the wounds of my mother, my father has always been there.
Through our long talks of wisdom, in the evening and during fajr, and during times of difficulty, my father has continued to give me advice. In my journey of life, my father has always guided me to Allah. And one of the things my father always tells me, and tells me now, is that our first priority is to Allah.
Honestly, I wouldn't be the woman I am if it wasn't for our relationship and the bond that we have. My father has given me the best foundation and has taught me how to carry myself in this world. And one thing he always used to tell me, when I was going through this journey of life, is that, “Jada, I know you more than you know yourself.” [laughs] And I never really understood it, but as I continued to grow and blossom him, I understood that he saw things that I couldn't see. Well, he looked at the society and the world in a different view, and he was always there to protect me and guide me and be of a guardian, and give me the clear understanding of Al-Islam.
My father, I'm truly grateful for, who has provided me with everything and has continued to guide me to the straight path of Al-Islam.
Jayda Ahmad is a community organizer/builder. She lives in Atlanta, GA, with her husband, Zaid Hameed (Muslim Poet), and is a part of the Atlanta Masjid Of Al-Islam Community. As a young Muslim leader in her community, she is a strong advocate for the Muslim community life and passionate about planting the seeds for what's to come and preserving the language of Imam Warith Deen Mohammad. Jayda graduated from W.D Mohammed High school in 2017 and received her Bachelor's Degree in Science in Psychology & Human Services. She's always been a student and is currently a part of the Islamic Leadership Training and Development Program by the Conveners of Imams. In addition, Jayda serves as the Chair of an organization led and organized by young adult Muslims who are responsibly working to uphold and strengthen the pioneering efforts of our community life development. The organization is called Muslim Culture Con, where we invite young adults nationally to build human life in the broadest sense and to provide a space for all young people to rise to their G-d-given potential.