Sadiq & Aquilla Davis
Sadiq Davis & Aquilla Graves Davis | Image captured at Islah LA (Los Angeles, CA)
بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Aquilla Graves: Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem. Al-hamdu lillahi Rabb il-'alamin* [with Allah’s name — the Merciful Benefactor, the Merciful Redeemer. All praises are due to G-d, The Guardian-Evolver, The Cherisher and Sustainer of all the systems of knowledge.]
In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. We are all here because of the impact my husband has had in and on our lives. Whether because of or, in spite of, at the final call, it doesn't really matter. What matters is we all love this man for what he stood for and believed in, the dīn [religion] of Al-Islam.
Sadiq was a giving spirit that loved life and people, again, in spite of, or because of. He went far and beyond to serve and help others. I'm sure many of us can attest to that. Sadiq's message, is to be relentless and striving to change the inequities around us, as well as in society and the world.
Front Cover of Program for Brother Sadiq’s Janazah [Funeral] Service
Having been blessed with the gift of song, Sadiq’s most endeared instruments for service was through our music. ‘We can change things,” he would say, “change things in this world, starting right here at home.” And for those who have seen his documentary, The Honest Struggle, then you have a glimpse into his acculturation, the catalyst for his life's journey.
I am proud of Sadiq for his accomplishments, foremost:
Never giving up the dīn (of Al-Islam) of balance life.
The courage to leave and start anew.
Our music and its message for humanity
Longevity and not recidivism, hmm, well, at least not in the physical.
Start his own cleaning business, LA’s S&A Cleaning Services LLC, to help to end the cycle of recidivism.
Framing his mentoring program, though, he did not get the chance to implement it: R.E.S.E.T., Reset: Responsible Ethical Servants for Transformation.
Even for the roller coaster rides…which were many.
For those who truly know this man, you know his heart. I am grateful for my time with him, I learned a great deal. I thank Allah, subḥānahu wataʿālā, [Glorious and exalted is He], for sending him to me and me to him. He is my ‘road dog’ and I his.
My take away is that it's not enough to take a day, a week, or whatever time needed to remember, it takes a lifetime. “Change is a process, it's not an event.” So, help me to honor his legacy through his music and message. Let's send out his song.
It is said, “if we give them fish they will eat for a day, but if we teach them how to fish they will eat for a lifetime.”
Let's not let his work, his music go in vain, continue his legacy in the call for humanity. To Allah be the Glory!
Forevermore, Aquilla Sadiq Davis.
For me, would you search SoundCloud Sadiq2, listen to his voice, hear his message and visit [The] Honest Struggle Documentary on Amazon. Help me to send his message across the globe, insha’Allah [G-d willing]. Rest in peace, Sadiq Darrell Davis. My husband.
We thank sister Aquilla for her strength and commitment to honor her late husband’s legacy. We want to echo Sister Aquilla’s sentiments and encourage everyone to listen to Brother Sadiq’s songs (link to his SoundCloud below), along with watch the feature length documentary, The Honest Struggle, by film director Justin Mashouf.